Abstract Nature

The main objective of the Abstract Nature project was to create designer concepts that inspire both industries, made by the new generation of craftsmen of MOME, in collaboration with world-class chefs, and to attract new partners from the fine dining sector.

Abstract Nature

Borbála Simon

consultant chef
István Pesti

My starting point was the formation of amber, and the process when resin, still liquid, swallows its victims. Based on this process, I captured the food and, with the help of the optical property of glass, I playfully worked with its appearance.

Abstract Nature

Máté Kovács

consultant chef
István Pesti

The core of my inspiration comes from the ever-changing nature of shifting sand. The relation between space, which was shaped by the elements of the nature, and the objects that fall into it is my main interest. I explored the occlusion and exposure of the material, and I would like to build these processes into food culture.

Abstract Nature

Borbála Fű

consultant chef
István Pesti

The natural phenomenon I visualized is stratification, which evolves when layers of soil meet various consistencies, textures, properties and colors.

Abstract Nature

Enikő Mezei

consultant chef
Ákos Sárközi

My concept is based on the observation of the phenomenon of lava, the way it flows, moves, and the strength it possesses. The ash glaze proved to be useful due to more than one reason: firstly, ash relates to the chosen natural phenomenon. Secondly, it is one of its by-products. Thirdly, it provides the objects with an outstanding character, and has an unpredictable nature as opposed to the delicate purity of porcelain.

Abstract Nature

Anett Sáfrán

X % B
consultant chef
Krisztián Huszár

My childhood experience, the walks and expeditions in the bauxite mine of Gánt, served as my core inspiration. For me the view of the opencast, the shape of the various bauxite rocks and the reddish shades of them are compelling.

Abstract Nature

Lili Almássy

consultant chef
Péter Várvizi

As a starting point for my design, I experimented with mixed soil, and through this experiment I was trying to create an exciting design, which would lift the reputation of these plates from being an ordinary crockery item to fine dining standards.

Abstract Nature

Nóra Tengely

consultant chef
Péter Várvizi

Thawing is an exciting and magical phenomenon of nature. The melting point itself is on a very fine line and it is an immensely sharp-edged process. If it is a fraction colder, it freezes, if it is a bit warmer, it melts. I wanted to display this simple formula by using a tight, square shape, which transforms into a playful, picturesque scene.

Abstract Nature

Katalin Herter

Winter Blooming
consultant chef
Ákos Sárközi

My chosen natural phenomenon is crystallization. To me, this is an enthralling process as it is invisible, slow, and we only see the end result. I reversed the process in my design: I focused mainly on the surfaces of the objects, the glaze, and shaped the form accordingly.

Programme Directors

Edit Kondor DLA
Project Supervisor
MOME Assistant Professor

Ákos Maurer Klimes
Curator, Consultant
Design Consultant

Zsófia Németh
Project Coordinator
MOME Global International Office

Abstract Nature
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